Meena Megha Malhotra
Meena Megha Malhotra is Director, Seagull Foundation for the Arts, Calcutta, India.After graduating from art college Meena Megha Malhotra started her career as a graphic designer and visual communicator. An inherent belief in the power of the arts to bring about societal change and a passion for education brought her to The Seagull Foundation for the Arts over two decades back where she has since been spear heading projects that work with students and teachers in peace building through the arts.
The goals of the projects: PeaceWorks which works with students and History for Peace: a network of social science educators in the subcontinent which she founded in 2015, are addressing bias and prejudice, questioning mindsets, Exploring multi and inter disciplinary and creative approaches to history education, Developing and collating resources, Promoting initiatives and exchange of ideas across South Asia, human rights education, Teacher development.
Over the years she has forged several international partnerships to add a global perspective for stakeholders in India. These include the European History Teachers Association, the Anne Frank House, Amsterdam and the International Association of Intercultural Education based in The Hague.
Working closely with the international partners for over a decade, Meena has presented and facilitated workshops at the International Nuremberg Principles Academy Summer Academy on Education in the Aftermath of Conflict: Learning from the Past; in France on History Education Beyond Borders; at the Third UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in Ottawa; at a conference organised by Nerve Centre in London-Derry on Teaching Divided Histories; Dealing with the Past in History Education (Colombia, South America); Children as Peacemakers in Divided Societies, Sarajevo to name a few.