About us

Team der Dachstein Dialoge: Philipp Blom, Clara Reimitz, Regina Stocker, Christian Mooslechner, Catrin Neumüller und Ernst Fischbacher stehen zusammen und lächeln in die Kamera.

What are we
  doing here?

Mystisches Bild vom Dachstein: Durch dichten Nebel hindurch

Our vision

To create spaces for dialogue and ideas and encourage respectful interactions, thereby strengthening democracy and promoting tolerance worldwide.

Our mission

Our aim is to bring together individuals living in diverse realities to experience and explore tolerance collectively. Each year, we adopt a new theme, engaging with it from various perspectives through lectures, discussions, concerts, theatre performances and accompanying scholarship programmes. We provide a platform for cultural exchange and reflection on the significance, boundaries and practice of tolerance for a peaceful and democratic future.


Dachstein Dialoge was founded by Christian Mooslechner and Ernst Fischbacher.


  • Chair: Regina Stocker (deputy mayor of Ramsau am Dachstein)
  • Vice chair: Mag. Christian Mooslechner (mayor of the Municipality of Filzmoos, 2019–2024)
  • Treasurer: Alois Hartinger (Salzburg local history educator)
  • Assistant treasurer: Peter Donabauer (managing director of Filzmoos Tourism)
  • Secretary: Johanna Pilz (primary school teacher)
  • Assistant secretary: Christian Salchegger (Bögrain), co-initiator of the ‘Toleranzberg’ –  ‘Tolerance Mountain’ – in Filzmoos

Advisory Board

  • Chair of the advisory board: Prof. Dr Reinhard Klaushofer, Austrian Institute for Human Rights
  • Ernst Fischbacher, mayor of Ramsau am Dachstein
  • And other distinguished, committed citizens of the hosting municipalities who wish to promote the Dachstein Dialoge ideals.

Organisation team

Porträt von Regina Stocker: Sie lächelt in die Kamera.

Regina Stocker

Chair and deputy mayor of Ramsau am Dachstein

Porträt von Christian Mooslechner.

Christian Mooslechner

Vice chair, Municipality of Filzmoos

Porträt von Philipp Blom

Philipp Blom

Artistic director, historian, philosopher and author

Porträt von Catrin Neumüller, die lächelt.

Catrin Neumüller

Production & cultural management

Porträt Clara Reimitz

Clara Reimitz